‘Suddenly, people are everywhere, with more joining all the time, as if the streets only lead in one direction. Most don’t know what has happened, but they hurry anyway to the place where most of the others are.’ – from ‘Crowds and Power’ by Elias Canetti

There are more of us than you tonight, we’ve expanded our collective with one hundred people to form a crowd.
This performance displays the dilemas that lurk within people. On one hand, the euphoria that an individual can feel as he is absorbed into the crowd: at a concert, a pilgramage, or a demonstration. On the other hand, the fear that he can feel for the uncontrollable power of the crowd. That can be destructive. That hits out in panic. That tramples, and sees an enemy in everyone and everything around him.
Like to join the performance? Schwalbe is looking for crowds
Concept and performance: Christina Flick, Melih Gençboyaci, Marie Groothof, Floor van Leeuwen, Kimmy Ligtvoet, Ariadna Rubio Lleó, Daan Simons
Performance: Jose Arnedo, Hüseyin Badilli, Sue-Ann Bel, Merel van den Berge, Gina Beuk, Lennart Blom, Bella Bouman, Margreet Bruining-Lindeijer, Suzanne Dankers, Philomeen Doolaard, Felix Feenstra, Angelika Geronymaki, Wil Hendriks, Brigitte Hoeve, Roosmarijn Mascini, Henk van Osnabrugge, Petra Roelfzema, Omar Sanchez Lopez, Els Schotman, Ytze van der Sluis, Samuel van der Spek, Rick van der Steen, Cristel Stolk, Marjan Tuk, Tiffany Vicario, Petra Visser, Jan Voorwinden, Pien van Welbergen-Danen, Vera Whistler, Vincent van Woerkom and many ohters.
Design and techniqueJoost Giesken en Dave Staring
Drama: Anoek Nuyens
Production: Nadin Topal, Jasper Hupkens
Photography: Arno Bosma, Fanny Hagmeier
Co-producers: Productiehuis Rotterdam, de Coproducers
Massage in Bedrijf
KNOKKI audio technologies
Photo by: Pepijn Lutgerink

For more informations, press map, riders, financial conditions, please contact Line Rousseau or Marion Gauvent